Chocolate Milk Grant ApplicationFields marked with an * are required. School DetailsName of School Physical Address AKALARAZCACOCTDCDEFLGAHIIAIDILINKSKYLAMAMDMEMIMNMOMSMTNCNDNENHNJNMNVNYOHOKORPARISCSDTNTXUTVAVTWAWIWVWY Contact InformationContact Person Title Email Address Phone Number Grant DetailsSport for which you are requesting a grant:Number of students on requesting team:Dates of season, including practices:Does your school currently provide chocolate milk to athletes?NoYesWho would be your school milk provider to purchase the milk for requested program?If your school does not have a current milk provider, from whom would be your preference to order chocolate milk?Is providing chocolate milk for your school’s athletes something you want to consider continuing after the grant program ends?NoYesWhat address should the check be mailed to?Who should the check be made payable to?What address should the banner be mailed to? (No P.O. Boxes)How did you hear about this grant opportunity? Grants are available for schools in our producer-funded areas. States that are eligible for the grant are Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Missouri, Kentucky, Virginia, North Carolina, Arizona, as well as, southern New Mexico and southern Nebraska.Please acknowledge agreement to the following condition(s):I understand all grant requirements within this program and I agree to fulfill all grant requirements